What’s this about?
This site is an official rules reference for The Waste of Parts by Sky Kingdom Games.
It’s great for finding a specific rule quickly. It’s also an excellent supplement to the rulebook included in the box, when watching a how-to-play video, or while teaching the game.
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- Game Design: Evan Duda
- Development: Eric Bittermann, David Yanchick, Sean Craten
- Insert amd Tray Designs: Noah Adelman, Daniel Alves
- Graphic Design: Tibor Özvegy, Daniel Alves
- Illustration: Caravan Studio
- Rulebook Design: Brandon Ohmie, Mike Kay
- Miniature Sculpting: Renan Rossini

Each round, players take turns, during which they spend Action Points (AP) to have their Crew Member perform actions. After all Crew Members have acted, Enemies perform their actions simultaneously.
Crew Member Actions
Each Crew Member has an Action stat, which indicates how many AP they currently have. The starting value is 3, as shown on their Crew Member Dashboard. This stat may be temporarily modified during play and resets to its starting value a the end of the round. When Action Points are gained or spent, turn the stat’s gear accordingly.
A Crew Member can repeat the same action multiple times on their turn, provided they have sufficient AP. Each Action costs 1 AP unless stated otherwise. A free action costs 0 AP.
Beyond the standard Crew Actions, some cards and rooms provide additional actions.
Enemy Actions
Enemies do not use Action Points and each enemy only performs 1 action at the end of each round. Enemies adhere to a strict set of priorities to either Move, Attack, or Damage their current Room. All enemies determine what they do simultaneously.

Rooms are adjacent if they are next to each other on the same level or connected by a ladder.
When a Crew Member or Enemy moves, it moves into an adjacent room.
Some weapons allow a Crew Member to attack an Enemy in an adjacent room. For these attacks, The Wastes are considered adjacent to the Fore and Aft Decks.
The Mech advances at the end of each round, assuming the following conditions are met:
- Both Engine Rooms are Functional
- The Cockpit is Functional
- There are no Enemies occupying The Wastes
Note: If the Mech does not Advance, the Engines idle. Any Noise penalty incurred by Engine Upgrades are halved until the Mech is ready to Advance again.
Distance, Speed, & Units

Mech Tracker
When moving forwards, the Mech advances the Distance dial on the Mech Tracker a number of Units equal to the sum of its Engines’ Speed contribution, plus an additional unit for each time an Engine Room was fueled. By default, each Engine contributes 1 Speed, meaning the Mech will Advance forward 2 units per round. Get to 35 units to reach Sanctuary and win the game.
Enemy Escalation
As your Crew progresses through the Wastes, they’ll encounter stronger, and more powerful threats to your Mech. This is represented by shuffling decks with higher Enemy Levels into the Enemy Deck as you pass certain Milestones.
At the start of the game, the Enemy Deck is composed of Level 1 Enemies.
When the Mech reaches 10 units, shuffle all Level 2 Enemies into the deck.
When the Mech reaches 20 units, shuffle all Level 3 Enemies into the deck.
If the Enemy Deck ever runs out of cards, shuffle the next appropriate Level of Enemies together to form a new Enemy Deck. Example: At Unit marker 15, the Enemy Deck runs out of cards. At this point, shuffle the Level 3 Enemies together to form a new Enemy Deck.
If the Enemy Deck ever runs out of cards after Level 3 Cards have been shuffled in, remove all ‘Just the Wind’ cards and shuffle all remaining Level 3 cards together to form a new Enemy Deck.
Armor Card

- Card Name
- Armor Icon: This icon denotes an Armor card. A Crew Member can only benefit from one Armor card at a time.
- Card Ability or Effect

Combat in the Waste of Parts is simple; both Crew Members and Enemies use the same system. Whenever an entity makes an Attack, they roll a number of dice equal to their Attack stat. Any results of 1–2 () are misses. Any results of 3–6 () are hits. Each hit reduces the target’s Health by 1 point.
Enemy Attacks
When an Enemy Attacks, it Attacks EACH Crew Member that occupies a room with it. Roll separately for each Crew Member, one at a time, until the Attacks are resolved.
Crew Member Attacks

Crew Members can attack Enemies by taking the Attack Action. Attacks are typically limited to enemies in their room, but certain weapons may allow attacks on enemies in adjacent rooms.
When attacking, the Crew Member must declare their target BEFORE rolling. Crew Members cannot attack each other.
Weapons are a type of Equipment. When making an attack, a Crew Member may choose an equipped Weapon to use instead of their base “unarmed” Attack stat. Use the Weapon’s Attack stat for that attack.
Weapon Jams: Attacking with a Weapon carries a risk. If an attack roll with a Weapon results in nothing but 1’s, the Weapon jams and is immediately Scrapped.
The Cockpit (8)

The Cockpit can be used by Crew Members to activate other rooms remotely. If a Crew Member ends their turn in The Cockpit, they may utilize The Mech’s Salvaging Crane, Aft Gun, and Fore Gun as if they were in those respective rooms, but at only 50% efficiency, rounded up. For example: If the Fore Gun has an Attack of 3, a player in the Cockpit may fire the gun as an action, rolling 2 dice instead of 3 (50%, rounded up).
At the end of each round, the autopilot will Advance the Mech equal its total Speed, if:
- The Cockpit is Functional
- Both Engine Rooms are Functional
- There are no Enemies occupying The Wastes
The Crew
- The Brute
The Brute thrives on chaos and carnage, wearing every scar as a badge of survival. With a body built for punishment and a stubborn resolve, he excels in close combat, drawing the monsters’ attacks to protect the crew. Pain isn’t a hindrance—it’s his power source.
- Bloodlust: Whenever you destroy an enemy with an unarmed attack, heal 1 health.
- Counterblow: Once per round, when you are injured by an attack, you may immediately make an unarmed attack.
- The Deadeye
The Deadeye is a master of precision, their keen eyes and steady hands making every attack count. With unmatched focus, they pick off threats, dealing devastating damage when their aim is true. In the chaos of the Waste, they are the crew’s sharpest weapon.
- The Doctor
The Doctor is the lifeline of the crew, a calm presence in the chaos of the Waste. He mends wounds with skill and precision, even his own, and brings fallen allies back into the fight with uncanny efficiency. In a world of ruin, he brings hope.
- The Experiment
The Experiment is a living anomaly, a patchwork of flesh and machinery pulsing with raw power. The more damage it endures, the more its unarmed strikes devastate. Monsters are inexplicably drawn to it, as if sensing the strange energy that makes it unstoppable.
- Rage Gene: When making an unarmed attack, gain +1 attack for each missing point of health.
- Lost Link: If an enemy would spawn in an adjacent room, you may have it spawn in your room instead.
- The Firefighter
The Firefighter is the crew’s shield against destruction, moving swiftly to extinguish flames that threaten the Mech. With expert precision and unwavering focus, he douses the fires sparked by invading monsters, ensuring the team’s journey to Sanctuary endures.
- Emergency Response: Whenever you Extinguish a room, that room becomes Functional instead of Inoperable.
- Hostile Environment: You may Extinguish rooms containing enemies. When you do, you may move them to an adjacent room.
- The Mechanic
The Mechanic is the lifeblood of the Mech, mending its wounds and fortifying its defenses with tireless dedication. Her skilled hands uncover treasures from twisted wreckage, propelling the crew forward. In the Waste, her ingenuity makes the Mech a steadfast bastion of hope on the road to Sanctuary.
- The Prepper
The Prepper is the crew’s strategist, always ready for the unexpected. Armed with an arsenal of tools, she carries more equipment than anyone else and ensures nothing goes to waste. When gear is spent, she recover it, leaving resources behind to keep the crew equipped on the path to Sanctuary.
- The Scout
The Scout is the crew’s swift shadow, darting through the Waste with unmatched agility. Her free movement keeps her one step ahead, and every enemy she destroys fuels her momentum. In the chaos of the journey, she’s the Mech’s eyes, always forging the path to Sanctuary.
- Haste: Once per round, you may move as a free action.
- Adrenaline Rush: Whenever you destroy an enemy, you may move as a free action this round.
Crew Member Actions
On your turn, spend Action points to have your Crew Member:

- Move to an adjacent room.
- Attack an enemy in the same room.
- Repair their room, taking it from Inoperable to Functional. No Enemies can be present.
- Extinguish their room, taking it from On Fire to Inoperable. No Enemies can be present.
- Mend another crew member present, restoring 1 Health Point.
- Fuel the Engine Room they occupy, if it’s Fuelable.
- Drop an item they’re holding, or give it to another Crew Member present.
- Pick Up an item from the ground, or from another willing Crew Member present.
- Trade an item they're holding for one on the ground, or from another willing Crew Member present.
- Revive another downed Crew Member present (Costs 2 AP).
Note: some cards and rooms provide additional actions.
Crew Member Dashboard

- Health Stat: A Crew Member’s Health cannot exceed its starting number unless otherwise stated.
- Attack Stat: Use this stat when making unarmed attacks.
- Action Stat: This is how many Action Points your Crew Member has.
- Abilities: Choose one of these abilities to use for the entire game.
- Equipment Slots: Attach Equipment cards here.
Note: Starting values are highlighted in yellow.
Crew Member Standees

Use Crew Member standees to indicate the current location of crew members.
Downed Crew Members have their standee laid on its side until Revived.
Damaging Rooms
Each room of the Mech has 3 states: Functional, Inoperable, and On Fire. If an Enemy is left alone in a room and no Crew Member is present, it will damage the room it is in. Enemies damaging Rooms are automatically successful.
All Enemies act “simultaneously”. For instance, if there are 4 Enemies in an otherwise unoccupied Functional Room, they will all damage it simultaneously and reduce its state from Functional to On Fire.
Regardless of its Attack stat, an individual Enemy will only ever damage a room one time when it acts.
An undamaged room works as normal.

The first time a room is damaged place an Inoperable Card over the room space. Its effects and abilities become non-functional until it is Repaired.
On Fire

When a room is damaged a second time, place an On Fire! card over the room space. Discard any Upgrade card and dropped Equipment from the room.
Each room that is On Fire deals 1 damage to the Mech’s Hull at the end of the round.
A room that is On Fire can no longer be damaged, but a Crew Member can Extinguish the fire and return the room to Inoperable.
Rooms that are On Fire do not hinder movement and do not damage Enemies or Crew Members.
Aft Deck (1) & Fore Deck (4)
No Upgrade cards can be placed on the Aft Deck or Fore Deck.
These rooms are immune to Damage, causing Enemies to skip their “Damage Room” priority while in them.
Some weapons allow Crew Members to attack Enemies in an adjacent room. For these attacks, These rooms are considered adjacent to The Wastes.

Whenever an entity makes an Attack, they roll a number of dice equal to their Attack stat. Any results of 1–2 () are misses. Any results of 3–6 () are hits.
The numbers on the dice are used to resolve a variety of abilities and effects.
When you discard a card, remove it from the game entirely. Place the card back in the box instead of any game area.

The Drop Action allows a Crew Member to either drop a piece of Equipment they are carrying on the ground or give it directly to another Crew Member in the same room.
If a room is On Fire, any Equipment on the ground is immediately discarded. Otherwise, the Equipment remains in the room and can be retrieved using the Pick Up action.
End of Round
Once every player has finished their turn, the round ends. The First Player then takes a series of steps, in order, as detailed below.
At the end of each Round:
Room Effects: Room Upgrades with “Room Effects” trigger.
Enemy Actions: Each Enemy takes 1 Action, determined simultaneously by priority:
- Attack Crew Members in current room.
- Damage Room until it On Fire.
- Move towards the nearest adjacent Crew Member, prioritizing those closest to the Cockpit.
- Move towards the nearest Engine Room that is not On Fire.
- Remain stationary.
Fire Damage: The Mech loses 1 Hull point for each Room that is On Fire.
Advance: The Mech Advances a number of units equal to its current Speed, plus an additional unit for each time an Engine Room was fueled, if:
- Both Engine Rooms are Functional
- The Cockpit is Functional
- There are no Enemies occupying The Wastes
Salvaging: Draw Salvage Cards if the Salvaging Crane is Functional and operated by a Crew Member.
Use Scrap: Choose cards from the Scrap Pile to take the following actions any number of times:
Spawn Enemies: One at a time, draw and resolve Enemy cards equal to the Noise level plus 1 for each Fueled Engine marker. Then move all Fueled Engine markers to their Unfueled position.
Enemy Escalation: If the Mech reaches a milestone, shuffle increasingly higher-level Enemies into the deck.
New First Player: Pass the First Player card clockwise.
Reset Action Stats: To their starting values on each Crew Member Dashboard.
*Note: If an Enemy card is drawn, and there are no acrylic standees remaining to represent it, instead discard that card. The Mech’s Hull loses points equal to the discarded Enemy’s Health.

Enemies spawn in various Rooms and will attack Crew Members, or damage the room they are in.

Enemy Card
Spawning Enemies
At the end of each round, the First Player draws and reveals a number of Enemy Cards equal to the Mech’s Noise Level, plus an additional card for each time an Engine Room was fueled. While some Enemy Cards are harmless and are simply discarded, a majority represent Enemies that have somehow infiltrated your ship, and wish to drag you down to join them.
When an Enemy Card is drawn, place its acrylic standee to represent it in the appropriate room, indicated by the Spawn Indicator number. It is inert and cannot act until the next round. Next, place the Enemy Card face up on the appropriate room of the Enemy Tracker Gameboard. You’ll reference the enemies stats and effects using this board, and track any damage it accrues using the red acrylic cubes. Discard the appropriate Enemy acrylic standee and Enemy Card when that Enemy is destroyed.
Note: If an Enemy card is drawn, and there are no acrylic standees remaining to represent it, instead discard that card. The Mech’s Hull loses points equal to the discarded Enemy’s Health.
Activating Enemies
Enemies are “controlled” by the First Player at the end of the round. Enemy actions are made by the First Player. Enemies adhere to a strict set of priorities, and have 1 action per turn to either Move, Attack, or Damage their current Room. Note that all Enemies activate simultaneously.
Enemy Card

- Enemy Name
- Enemy Level: What Enemy deck this Enemy is shuffled into at the beginning of the game. More powerful Enemies are added to the Enemy deck as the Mech advances.
- Enemy Ability
- Health: Indicates how many Health points the Enemy has. When an Enemy’s Health points are reduced to 0, it is destroyed.
- Attack Stat: Indicates the number of dice rolled when this Enemy attacks.
- Spawn Location: What Room this Enemy spawns in when its card is drawn.
Enemy Actions
Each Enemy takes 1 Action at the end of the round. Enemies collectively determine their actions simultaneously following this set of priorities:
- Attack Crew Members in current room.
- Damage Room until it On Fire.
- Move towards the nearest adjacent Crew Member, prioritizing those closest to the Cockpit.
- Move towards the nearest Engine Room that is not On Fire.
- Remain stationary.
Enemy Standees

When an Enemy is spawned, place its acrylic standee to represent it in the appropriate room.
If an Enemy card is drawn, and there are no acrylic standees remaining to represent it, instead discard that card. Lose Hull points equal to the discarded Enemy’s Health.
Enemy Tracker Gameboard

When an Enemy is spawned, place its card face up on the appropriate room of the Enemy Tracker Gameboard. You’ll reference the enemies stats and effects using this board, and track any damage it accrues using the red acrylic cubes.
The Engine Rooms (10, 11)

The Engine Rooms each contribute Speed to the Mech (By Default, each Engine Room contributes 1 Speed). At the end of the round, The Mech Advances equal to the sum of its Speed if:
- Both Engine Rooms are Functional
- The Cockpit is Functional
- There are no Enemies occupying The Wastes



Equipment is a type of Salvage Card that enhances Crew Members by providing them with valuable tools and abilities. These cards are placed in the slots of the Crew Member Dashboards. Most Crew Members have a limit of two Equipment cards, though some may attach up to three. Proper allocation of Equipment is key to maximizing the Crew’s effectiveness.
When an Equipment card is drawn, the Crew decides whether to give it to a specific Crew Member or Scrap it. In cases of disagreement, the First Player makes the final decision. If a Crew Member already has the maximum number of Equipment cards equipped and wishes to take a new one, they must Scrap one of their existing cards or drop it into their current Room.
Each Equipment card belongs to one of three categories:

A Crew Member can take the Extinguish Action to put out a fire in the room they currently occupy, restoring it from On Fire to Inoperable.
Rooms occupied by Enemies cannot be extinguished.
- Can Crew Members move through/past rooms occupied by Enemies?
- Yes, unless otherwise stated
- Can Crew Members attack other Crew Members?
- No
- What happens to equipment dropped in rooms?
- Any equipment on the ground when a room is On Fire is discarded. Otherwise, it remains there and can be picked up as an Action.
- If you replace a Functional Room’s Upgrade card with a new one, do you turn the old card into Scrap?
- Yes
- Can you replace an Inoperable Room with a new Upgrade Card?
- No
- Do Enemies with 0 Attack stat still damage rooms they’re in?
- Yes
First Player

The player with the First Player Card or Mech Miniature takes their turn first; the turn order then progresses clockwise until everyone has taken a turn. At the end of each round, pass the First Player Card/Miniature clockwise.

A Crew Member in an Engine Room may take the Fuel Action to spend 1 Scrap and fuel that engine, adding a temporary bonus to the Mech's effective speed and Noise.
No Engine Room may be fueled more than once per round unless otherwise specified. When an Engine Room is fueled, indicate it on the Mech Tracker.
Gear Card

- Card Name
- Action Icon: It takes one Action point to activate this card’s ability.
- Card Ability or Effect
Aft Gun (9) & Fore Gun (12)

A Crew Member here may spend an Action to fire the room’s Gun, making an attack against an Enemy in The Wastes equal to the Gun’s attack level (By default, 3).

Health represents an entity’s life force.
Downed Crew Members
When a Crew Member’s Health stat reaches 0, they are Downed. Lay their standee on its side and until Revived. Downed Crew Members cannot take Actions.
If all Crew Members are Downed at the same time, the players lose the game.
Destroyed Enemies
When an Enemy’s Health is depleted, they are Destroyed. Remove their standee and card from the game boards to signify their defeat.
The Mech’s Hull

Mech Tracker
The Mech’s Hull serves as the Crew’s primary defense against the dangers of the Waste. Its integrity is tracked using the Hull dial on the Mech Tracker. If the Hull is reduced to 0 Hull Points, the game is immediately lost.
Enemies in The Wastes attack the Hull directly instead of targeting Crew Members. Additionally, each room that is On Fire inflicts 1 damage to the Hull at the end of the round.
Hull Points can be restored by discarding Scrap at the end of the round.
The Mech

The Mech comprises 12 different rooms, with a 13th “room” representing the wasteland surrounding it.
Mech Gameboard

Mech Tracker

- Noise: At the end of the round, draw a number of Enemy cards equal to the Noise level.
- Distance: Add Enemies into the deck when the Mech reaches 10 units, and again at 20 units. Get to 35 units to reach Sanctuary and win the game.
- Hull: Indicates the integrity of the Mech. If it reaches 0, players lose the game.
- Unfueled Engine: This Engine Room has not been Fueled.
- Fueled Engine: A Fueled Engine Room temporarily adds to Noise at the end of the round.

A Crew Member can take the Mend Action to heal another Crew Member in their room by 1 Health Point.
Crew Members cannot Mend themselves unless otherwise specified.
Brushed Metal Cubes

Use brushed metal cubes with the Mech Tracker to show whether an engine room is ready to be fueled.
Crew Members and Enemies can both move to adjacent rooms on the Mech.
Crew Member Movement

On your turn, you may take the Move Action to move the Crew Member you control into an adjacent Room.
Unless otherwise specified, Enemies do not hinder Crew Member movement.
Enemy Movement
Enemies might move to an adjacent room at the end of the round, according to their behavior priority.
The Multi-Function Rooms (2, 3, 6, 7)

Multi-Function Rooms do nothing by themselves, but are common recipients of Room Upgrade cards.

Traveling through the Waste of Parts is sure to attract unwanted attention. Noise is generated in a few ways, and is tracked with the Noise dial on the Mech Tracker.
Noise can be generated by:
- Crew Members (The starting Noise is based on the number of players)
- Certain Upgrade Cards
- Certain Enemies
At the end of the round, the First Player draws and resolves a number of Enemy cards equal to the Noise level, plus an additional card for each time an Engine Room was fueled.
Note: If the Mech is not going to be advancing at the end of the round, the Engines idle. Any Noise penalty incurred by Engine Upgrades are halved until the Mech is ready to Advance again.
How to Play
The Waste of Parts is a cooperative game where players take on the role of Crew Members, and must work together to defend their Mech from Enemies. As the Mech progresses, the Crew Members will gain upgrades and equipment to fight the ever-growing hordes of Enemies. The players win if they manage to survive the journey and make it to Sanctuary. They lose if every Crew Member is downed, or the Mech is reduced to 0 Hull points.
Turns and Rounds
The Waste of Parts is played in rounds, which are split up by each player’s turn. The player with the First Player Card or Mech Miniature takes their turn first; the turn order then progresses clockwise until everyone has taken a turn. Once every player has taken a turn, the round ends. At the end of the round, special actions including Enemies spawning and attacking, salvage cards being drawn, and the mech advancing forwards occur.
Losing the Game
If all Crew Member are downed at the same time, or the Mech is reduced to 0 Hull Points, the players immediately lose the game.
Winning the Game
Once The Mech reaches the 35th unit, complete the remaining steps of the Round as normal. From then on, no more Enemy Cards are drawn at the end of the round. The Crew Members must destroy all Enemies currently on board the Mech to win, reaching Sanctuary.
“Some people say there’s nothing left but the Wasteland. But I can’t believe that.”
Pick Up

A Crew Member can take the Pick Up Action to retrieve a piece of Equipment from the ground or receive a piece of Equipment from another consenting Crew Member in the same room.
Red Cubes

Use red acrylic cubes and the Enemy Tracker gameboard to track the damage suffered by each enemy.

When a Crew Member takes the Repair Action, they restore their current room from Inoperable to Functional.
Rooms occupied by Enemies cannot be Repaired.

Requires 2 Action Points.
A Crew Member can take the Revive Action to heal Downed Crew Member in their room to 1 Health Point. The revived Crew Member cannot take Actions until the next round.
Room Upgrade Card

- Card Name
- Card Ability or Effect
- Noise Level: Any additional Noise this Upgrade card incurs is displayed here. Add it to the total Noise Level.
- Location: Determines which room the Upgrade Card can be placed in.
Round End
At the end of the round…
- Resolve room effects.
- Enemies act simultaneously.
- The Hull loses 1 point for each room that’s On Fire.
- The Mech advances.
- Draw and resolve Salvage Cards.
- Convert Scrap to resources.
- Spawn Enemies.
- Escalate the enemy deck if you’ve reached a milestone.
- Reset Crew Member Action stats.
- Pass the First Player marker to the left.
Whenever you Rummage, reveal cards from the top of the appropriate deck until you find an appropriate card. Put all other revealed cards on the bottom of the deck in a random order.

While hundreds of other vessels have tried and failed to make it across the Waste of Parts, you have two things they didn’t: A huge salvage crane able to dredge the depths of the toxic sludge below… and a host of ship hulks to loot from.
The Salvaging Crane (Room 5)

The Salvaging Crane is a powerful tool that is necessary to utilize if you and your crew are to survive the journey. At the end of the round, if the Salvaging Crane Room is Functional and occupied by a Crew Member, the First Player may draw and distribute a number of Salvage Cards equal to the Mech’s Salvage Level (default 2). Alternatively, a Crew Member in the Cockpit may activate the Salvaging Crane, drawing cards equal to half the Salvage Level (rounded up).
If the Salvaging Crane is used twice without the Mech advancing forward, it cannot be used again until the Mech moves, as the area’s useful materials will have been depleted. Additionally, if a Salvaging Crane Room Upgrade is placed into the Mech, it cannot be used until the next round.
Salvage Cards

Salvage Cards include Room Upgrades, Equipment (Weapons, Armor, and Gear), and Scrap. The Crew collectively chooses how to allocate these resources, with the First Player deciding in cases of disagreement. Unused Salvage cards are placed in the Scrap Pile.
Room Upgrade cards are overlaid on top of the default Room spaces to enhance the Mech’s functionality.
Equipment cards provide benefits to individual Crew Members when slotted to their Crew Member Dashboard.
Scrap cards and other unused Salvage cards are added to the Scrap Pile which is used for recycling Salvage cards and restoring the Mech’s hull.

Scrap is a versatile resource that plays a key role in surviving the Waste. It is represented by cards in the Scrap Pile, a face-up stack of Salvage Cards on the Mech Gameboard. Any card in the Scrap Pile is considered “Scrap”.
What is Scrap?

Scrap Card
Some Salvage Cards are inherently designated as “Scrap” and display the Scrap card type. When drawn, these cards are immediately placed in the Scrap Pile.
Other Salvage Cards can become Scrap if they are unwanted or if a game effect instructs you to Scrap a card. In either case, the card is moved to the Scrap Pile.
The term “Scrap” also refers to the action of placing a card in the Scrap Pile. For example, if a card is “Scrapped,” it is moved to the Scrap Pile.
Using Scrap
At the end of the round, the First Player may choose cards from the Scrap Pile to take the following actions any number of times:
- Reinforce: Discard 2 cards to restore 1 Hull point.
- Recycle: Discard 3 cards to Rummage for an Equipment card or a Room Upgrade card.
Scrap is also used to Fuel the Mech’s engines to greater speeds.
Getting Started
Select 3–5 Crew Members and divide them among 1–5 players as you prefer.
Place the Mech Tracker Dashboard onto the table, and set the values as follows:
The starting Noise (left) is dependant upon the starting number of Crew Members:
- 3 Crew Members: 4 Starting Noise
- 4 Crew Members: 5 Starting Noise
- 5 Crew Members: 7 Starting Noise
The Distance tracker (middle) starts at 0
The Mech’s Hull Points (right) starts at 20
Shuffle the Level I Enemy Cards into a deck and place it onto the Enemy Card space. This is the Enemy deck.
Place 2 ‘Scrap Metal’ cards into the Scrap Pile, then shuffle the Salvage Cards into a deck and place it onto the Salvage Card space. This is the Salvage deck.
Each player then chooses which Crew Member Ability is active. Place a cube in that Ability slot. Players choose the matching standee to represent their Crew Member and place it in a Mech Room of their choice, other than The Wastes.
Set each arrow on the Crew Member boards to the yellow starting number. A Crew Member’s Health cannot exceed its starting number unless otherwise stated.
Select one player to be the First Player, and give them the First Player Card.
At the beginning of the game, draw Enemy Cards equal to the Starting Noise Level.

A Crew Member can take the Trade Action to swap a piece of Equipment they are holding with one on the ground or one held by another Crew Member in the same room.
Room Upgrades

Room Upgrade Card
Room Upgrades are a type of Salvage Card that enhance the Mech’s functionality by providing valuable improvements to its Rooms. They can boost efficiency, unlock unique Room Effects, and strengthen the Mech’s overall defenses. Effective use of Room Upgrades requires careful planning and collaboration among the Crew to maximize their impact and adapt to the challenges ahead.
When acquired, the Crew collectively decides whether to use a Room Upgrade card and where to place it. If there is disagreement, the First Player makes the final decision. Unused Room Upgrade cards are added to the Scrap Pile.
When used, Room Upgrade cards are placed on top of the default Room spaces. If a Room already has a Room Upgrade and the Crew decides to add a new one, the existing Upgrade is Scrapped. Inoperable or On Fire Rooms cannot receive Room Upgrades, but Rooms with Enemies can still be upgraded.
Note: A Salvaging Crane Room Upgrade placed into the Mech does not take effect until the following round.
Room Effects
Some Room Upgrade cards include Room Effects that activate at the end of the round.
The Wastes (13)

Crew Members and Enemies cannot Move to or from the Wastes, nor can it be Damaged by any Enemies that spawn there.
Instead of Attacking Crew Members, Enemies in The Wastes Attack the Mech directly, reducing its Hull by 1 point for each hit.
The Mech cannot Advance at the end of the round if any Enemies are in The Wastes.
Some Weapons allow Crew Members to attack Enemies in an adjacent room. For these attacks, The Wastes are considered adjacent to the Aft and Fore Decks.
Weapon Card

- Card Name
- Reload Icon: Weapons with this icon have the Reload ability. After attacking with this Weapon, turn its card upside-down. As an action, a Crew Member can Reload to turn it back again, loading it. A weapon with the Reload ability can only be used if it is turned upwards.
- Attack Stat: Roll this many dice when attacking with this Weapon.
- Card Ability or Effect
Remember: If an Attack roll with a Weapon results in nothing but 1’s, the Weapon jams and is immediately Scrapped.